Managing a toxic family over christmas

It was 4 am. Joan woke up as usual to check her phone. A chronic worrier, she was always on high alert, unable to relax for fear that something terrible might happen to someone in the family. This time she had reason to worry. She had missed a call from her mother, who left a voice message crying down the phone, telling her daughter she needed to talk. In a state of panic, Joan phoned back immediately but it rang through. She received no call back and didn’t sleep a wink after that. She rang again the next day, then the day after…but no answer.
Continue reading “Managing a toxic family over christmas”

Escaping an abusive relationship

When in the midst of an abusive relationship, whether that abuse takes the form of emotional torment (such as shouting or guilt-tripping), mental games (such as passive aggressive remarks or just ignoring you) or physical attacks (such as direct violence, e.g. hitting or indirect, e.g. imprisonment), many people are quick to give advice such as “just get out”, “you deserve better” or “do it for the kids”. However, it is never that easy and such advice may be the source of frustration as the individual may rationally know what to do but there are other factors which serves as road blocks. Continue reading “Escaping an abusive relationship”